This happens in the Kenya’s Masai Mara which is the most visited wildlife reserve in kenya

The best months to visit

The best time to see the wild beest migration is from late june to octomber,this time of the year is similary a dry period. wildbeest migrate due to search for water and greener pastures,The wildebeest migration usually reaches the Masai Mara in July and remains until October when they move back to the Serengeti in Tanzania.

Maasai mara wilde beest is the most notable place for best viewing since it is the wildebeest time to cross the mara river, Wildlife viewing is good year-round,the best place to see the wildebeest migrating is in maasai mara,the number of migrating wildebeest reaches up to 1.5 million.during the migration around 250,000 wildebeest and 50 zebras die,this is due to predation by carnivores such as lion,crocodiles,cheatah,leopard and olso  exhaustion due to hunger,thirst and fatigue

this is the greatest show on earth! A captivating and dramatic movement of wildebeests from the drier lands in Tanzania to the Masai Mara. This natural phenomenon attracts thousands of local and international visitors, and has been named the seventh wonder of the world. or The World Cup of Wildlife.

Recommended Number of Days

Due the amount to be seen in the reserve we feel a THREE to FOUR day safari is suitable. If you are interested in photography the longer you stay the more chance of getting the ultimate photo.

The effect of maasai mara wildebeest migration

-the annual migration promotes creation of business opportunities to the local communities,this in the visitors visiting the maasai villages and bumper flow of tourists in the maasai mara hotels and camps,like kekorok lodges,sopa lodges,serena hotels,mara leisure lodges,or camps like mara bush camps,

-generates national county income through payments of park entry fees within maasai   mara,

-promotes culture of the maasai commmunity in maasai mara.

-creates employment.

-it is olso the best time season for wildebeest mating and calving.

Disadvantages of maasai mara wildebeest migration.

The maasai mara wildebeest migration attracts a lot of predators, like crocodiles,lions,cheaters,leopards,hyenas and wild dogs.






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